Sunday , 20 October 2024

The Original Occupation

The Aboriginal or indigenous American was the first occupant of this country. As a child my parents did not insult my intelligence. They told me that the pilgrims had stolen the natives land. I dreamed about how to correct this injustice. There are no easy answers. Reservations have serious cross generational problems that don’t have any solutions. After I finished …

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San Diego Occupiers Stranded in Texas by Greyhound Anti-Occupy Bus Driver

13 occupiers from San Diego en route to Washington D.C. to attend Occupy Congress were left stranded in Amarillo, Texas. The bus driver, Donald Ainsworth, locked the occupiers in the bus and called the police to have them removed because of his anti-occupy beliefs. The police apologized but had to remove the activists because of Greyhound’s policy that allows bus …

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Who Doesn’t Love Free Music?

One of my favorite things about the Occupy Movement so far has been seeing individual and group creativity seemingly rise to levels I never thought I would see. Between photos, videos, music, protest signs, and everything in between I get to somehow experience new types of art every single day. Wisconsin has been occupying the Madison Capitol since before occupations …

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Meditation and New Ways to Combat PTSD

When a person endures a psychological trauma such as kidnapping, a traumatic “act of God,” a violent act or has to commit a violent act, is raped, tortured, or has to go to war a kind of hyper awareness emerges. Soldiers returning from war find themselves unable to cope with constantly reliving events where they failed to save one of …

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Welcome Back

We can only hope when we reach 2013 and another article appears on SFTC (much like this one) about the bounty of enrichment we will experience in that year, it will be enshrined with victory for the Occupy Movement. Occupy is just one of our causes but our area of focus through this political climate. As realists we understand that …

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Motivation Monday VII

This MM is a hail to ingenuity. While protesters here and abroad deal with the constant threat of police incursion and violence one man found a way to take action. It’s a play straight from the US military playbook. Unmanned drones. In this case, the drone is a RC Helicopter strapped with a camera. But the video captures everything from …

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An Open Letter to the Winter Patriot

Mitch Green’s open letter appeared New Economic Perspectives on November 21st of last year. We believe it to be as true now as it was then. There are elements of Occupy that seem to be slowing down but the sluggish winter weather is only a test of fortitude. On the other end it produces hardened warrior activists that will prosper through …

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How to Film a Revolution

  Corey Ogilvie has produced another highly informative film, this time providing guidance to citizen journalists on how to best film a revolution. Along with other hints, he provides five guidelines for best filming violent encounters with the police. #1) Call out for cameras. The more cameras that are filming the better the chances are that the event will be …

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Be Careful How You Invest Your Loyalty

  Almost a decade ago the Chicago Tribune published an article in their newspaper written by Mary Schmich. Her views on corporations ring true even more so today because it shows these issues have not been addressed by our elected officials. Ten years ago, before corporations were people, we had Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom. We now have Bank of America, …

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Happy Holidays from SFTC

We would like to take a moment to say Happy Holidays to our audience. Like many of you, the SFTC team will be spending time with their family and friends over the next week or so. During this time we expect to keep you informed via Facebook and Twitter and will get back to publishing more articles on our website …

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The Legacy of Chemical War II

BY: Seul Jones Doi Moi, the “New Way,” was first discussed in 1985 as Vietnam plunged head long into an economic down spin. Ten years after central planning was introduced into the more prosperous and traditionally more independent southern farmers, the per capita national output had plunged 10% leaving many without food while inflation soared to 140%.  A fundamental change …

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Motivation Monday VI

Today’s motivation Monday comes from a child. Severn Suzuki speaks on behalf of the Environmental Children’s Organization (ECO) to the UN’s Earth Summit in Brazil. Raised in Vancouver and Toronto, Severn Cullis-Suzuki has been camping and hiking all her life. When she was 9 she started the Environmental Children’s Organization (ECO), a small group of children committed to learning and …

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The Legacy of Chemical War

By: Seul Jones Veterans for Peace, Vietnam I was born in 1943, mid WWII, to depression era parents who grew up in the back breaking cotton fields of SE Texas. Every Sunday was church time, twice each Sunday actually, in a Southern Baptist church. I was reared to believe in God, country and family. I was taught Manifest Destiny, that the …

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Victory & Abolition

The victory of the West Coast Port Shutdown is cold and calculated proof that the Occupy Movement, as a cumulative idea, has been shown as victorious and strong. Congratulations to everyone who participated even in the smallest way. The simplest act of observation and awareness makes this victory yours. The observer has reached across the great divide between mainstream and …

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SFTC Disassociates Itself From Nontransparent Groups

Soldiers for the Cause believes that a large part of what makes the Occupy Wall Street Movement successful is transparency. That being said, Soldiers for the Cause has decided to disassociate themselves from the Occupy Marines and Occupy Police groups that rely on total anonymity.

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