
Matthew Baker is a veteran of the United States Navy and was stationed aboard the USS Ronald Reagan from 2002 to 2006. He holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Oklahoma. Baker has worked as a reporter and photographer for The Purcell Register in Purcell, Ok, and is currently teaching English and Journalism to high school students in Norman, OK.

Camera Obscura: War Movie

Marines pass a joint to one another in the dark void of southern Afghanistan and, in crackling night-vision green, the question arises: Did they think they would ever be stoned within range of enemy fire? War is a bitch. It takes the human soul, puts it through a grinder, and spits out a ripped and battered pit of despair. But …

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War with Me

I’m built backwards.  I have legs for arms, hands for feet.  No, that’s not the right.  I was wise beyond my years, isn’t that the term your elders use when the first signs of intelligence spark in your eyes, and the grey mush inside your skull begins to take on some form?  Yeah, I think that’s it.   We all …

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Dehumanization Eliminates the Guilt

So the cat is out of the bag… Soldiers kill people. Now what are we going to do about it? And the big one at the moment is the case of Robert Bales. It’s the major issue that has spearheaded this sudden distaste for the ravages of war — the issue of the American soldier that killed 16 civilians in …

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Systemic Educational Apathy

The one thing the masses of America have in common is education. It’s an educational system that has been under reform since its inception. And in a global marketplace everyone that cares about the United States success as a super power has found themselves concerned about the state of education in America. I believe that most people are in agreement …

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The Profits of War

Just more proof that “war is a racket.” More than $73 billion have been sent to to Afghanistan to help rebuild the country, yet only a paltry 10 percent of those funds actually make it into actually rebuilding anything. A lot of it gets chopped right of the top the moment the money hits the ground.Of course, people have to …

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Too Many, Too Much

I’m not against the police; I’m just afraid of them. Alfred Hitchcock So I have met very few people who are big supporters of the police, and it’s not because of the group of people I hang out with, the people I know are law abiding, average citizens. It’s not because the people I hang out with picked up a speeding …

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Motivation Monday VII

This MM is a hail to ingenuity. While protesters here and abroad deal with the constant threat of police incursion and violence one man found a way to take action. It’s a play straight from the US military playbook. Unmanned drones. In this case, the drone is a RC Helicopter strapped with a camera. But the video captures everything from …

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Motivation Monday IV

This Motivation Monday video brings you motivation for Monday, December 12. Check your watches, check your phones, check your calendars, that is 7 days from today. You should know that beginning next week, assorted Occupations are coming together to shut down the ports on the West Coast of the US. With each week, violence increases against Occupiers and in response, …

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Shredding Our Rights

It seems I have to remind people, almost on a daily basis, that the issues with which OWS takes issue are not liberal issues, but American issues, and the same goes for Tea Party issues, they are not conservative issues, they are American issues, and our rights are being shredded. You should be in support of OWS if for no …

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Good News, Bad News

I won’t even ask which you want first. The good news is that New York City is turning its attention from a non-violent group of activists and is focusing on, the bad news, a possible terrorist threat. Mayor Bloomberg needs a few kudos for realizing that threats to the city are not coming from OWS but from people that would …

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