Tuesday , 22 October 2024

VFP United Kingdom: Press Release

PRESS RELEASE – British Veterans to Gather at the U.S. Embassy to Demand the Release of Bradley Manning On Tuesday December 13th at 1400hrs, Michael Lyons and British veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will gather at the U.S. Embassy in London to demand the immediate release of Bradley Manning and recognition that exposing war crimes is not …

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Motivation Monday V

Muriel Kane posted a great article on December 11, 2011 that we felt was worth reprinting for our weekly Motivation Monday column. “An anti-bullying march by parents and children directed against the New York Police Department’s arrests of peaceful protesters encountered a first-hand taste of what they were protesting against when police ripped down the paper hearts the children were …

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Surviving PTSD

Forty-two years ago today, I arrived at Valley Forge Army hospital, my tour in Vietnam mercifully cut short by the timely affliction of pulmonary tuberculosis.  Having thus survived Vietnam, I have spent the years ever since contending with its aftermath in the form of a wound far more resistant to healing than the disease that once lodged in my lungs. …

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Post Office Evicted

Did you know that the post office doesn’t run on tax dollars? It runs on stamps. The cost of stamps pays for the entirety of the USPS operations. The post office is guaranteed in the constitution. As of September’s cutbacks the USPS and analysts project a slow down in first class delivery service. The USPS’s position is unique because it does not receive federal subsidies …

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Motivation Monday IV

This Motivation Monday video brings you motivation for Monday, December 12. Check your watches, check your phones, check your calendars, that is 7 days from today. You should know that beginning next week, assorted Occupations are coming together to shut down the ports on the West Coast of the US. With each week, violence increases against Occupiers and in response, …

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International Occupy Round Table Summit Podcast

  On December 1, 2011, Soldiers for the Cause took part in an International Occupy Round Table Summit. More than 25 representatives took part in the summit. Groups that were represented included Occupy Den Haag, Occupy Marines, Occupy Police, members of Anonymous, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Chicago, Occupy Las Vegas, Occupy Netherlands and many others. The summits will take place every Thursday, …

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Happy Accidents

‎’The first deterrence, nuclear deterrence, is presently being superseded by the second deterrence: a type of deterrence based on what I call ‘the information bomb’ associated with the new weaponry of information and communications technologies. Thus, in the very near future, and I stress this important point, it will no longer be war that is the continuation of politics by …

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Hooverville Re-Occupied

  What is Hooverville? During the Great Depression, shanty towns popped up first in New York then all over the country almost spontaneously: “…the episode of the encampment at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge, demolished by the city on Aug. 17, recalls the ‘Hooverville’ of shacks housing more than a score of homeless people in the emptied Central Park …

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Woman Injured by Horse at Occupy Philadelphia

During the 2008 campaign trail I went to see Obama speak at Franklyn and Marshal College. The Lancaster, PA Police Department controlled the crowd with horses and I remember thinking to myself that this was an incredibly bad idea whose time had evaporated. First of all, in a normative situation, its intimidating and the horses are defecating. Secondly, it is …

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The Spat Upon Vet Revisited

Back in mid-April, the phone rang one evening.  You have a call from Bob, the woman’s voice said.  I was in end-of-day mode, not the best time for a tele-scammer to invade my home life.  I hung up, and the phone rang again almost immediately.  That dance took two more turns, before I switched to sardonic.  Bob’s not here, I …

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War is a Racket

My name is Sanford Kelson. I was born in 1944, graduated high school in 1962 and am now 66 years old. I am a lawyer and I also teach in a special program for gifted and talented public school students. When I was growing up my education caused me to believe certain things. Education is not just what you learn …

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The United States of Apathy

I woke up to disappointment today after reading the Senate had passed the National Defense Authorization Act while simultaneously rejecting the Udall, Webb Amendment. For those who are unaware, which seems to be the majority of the United States, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill was drafted in secret by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI). …

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Signs of Martial Law

When parallels are made between the Egyptian Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street the cult of difference shakes its collective head. But as the National Defense Authorization Act (2012) is debated by bipartisan groups there is a reminiscence of exactly the same issue that the Tahrir Square protesters raise. Civilians should not be tried in military tribunals. The bill targets 9/11 conspirators and alleged terrorists …

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Shredding Our Rights

It seems I have to remind people, almost on a daily basis, that the issues with which OWS takes issue are not liberal issues, but American issues, and the same goes for Tea Party issues, they are not conservative issues, they are American issues, and our rights are being shredded. You should be in support of OWS if for no …

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