Tuesday , 22 October 2024

NYPD Internal Affairs

The first thing that I learned about the NYPD that shocked me was that they have their own intelligence department and their own people serving in the middle east as anti-terrorism agents. The second thing that shocked me, which a retired officer told me in Coney Island, was that NYPD has 34k officers. Ray Kelly, in an interview with 20/20, …

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Profit Focused Military

As a Navy veteran, I can speak for the unreasonable profit focus drive of the military industrial complex. I had to witness people be turned away from medical care with nothing but Motrin and the need for hearing protection from the sound of jets taking off on an aircraft carrier ignored for the sake of presentation in lieu of micro-management. …

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Banking Industrial Complex Memo on OWS

  Chris Hayes from MSNBC broke a story today about a piece of memorandum issued by DC lobbying firm Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranfor to the American Bankers Association (ABA). The memo outlines a $850K strategy to discredit Occupy Wall Street. After the eviction from Liberty Park between Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday’s soon to be historic Occupation of Brooklyn Bridge was the OWS …

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It’s Not So Pretty in Emerald City

Written by Jack Doxey Vice President, Veterans for Peace, San Diego Chapter Published with permission by Patrick Gokey Every time I pick up friends or relatives at the San Diego Airport I enjoy watching their reactions as they see, for the first time, the San Diego skyline. They are particularly impressed with the breathtaking views at night. The bright lights …

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Occupy Wall Street Block Party

http://occupywallst.org/ Today is the international day of action. Protesters have been flocking to the financial district to disrupt its daily operations. Around the world protesters join in solidarity. CNN and Fox news are misreporting the numbers. Many retaliatory actions against OWS seemingly created over night. The national guard is on standby and there are reports that LRAD’s have already been …

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Law Enforcement Oath of Honor

I think it is time that the police are reminded of the Oath of Honor they took upon becoming a police officer. According to the International Organization of Chiefs of Police: Police officers take risks and suffer inconveniences to protect the lives, defend civil liberties, secure the safety of fellow citizens, and they endure such risks and tolerate such inconveniences …

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Martin Luther King Supports Occupy Wall Street

MLK’s “I’ve been to the Mountaintop” speech speaks volumes to what the Occupiers are going through right now. Stay strong revolutionaries! The time has come for an idea that cannot be evicted. MLK even addresses economic sanctions of banks. When president Obama gave the go ahead to “balance” the Constitutional rights of the peaceful protesters with the cities’ municipal health/safety concerns. …

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Occupy Wall Street Evicted

I have to give it to all the conservatives who yelled and screamed about privacy issues when the Patriot Act was passed. Ben Franklin said: “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.” Privacy is gone. We will never get it back. Partly because communication technology has reached a critical mass. But also because we gave our government …

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Oakland’s Legal Advisor to Mayor Jean Quan Quits and Joins the 99%

In a tweet dated November 14th, Dan Siegel (@DanMSiegel), Mayor Quan’s legal advisor announced his resignation as of 2 A.M.  He called for the support of Occupy Oakland. According to his firm’s website, Siegel is a 1970 graduate of Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley.  He is a trial and appellate attorney who has taken part in …

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Occupy San Diego, San Francisco Raided

Reports from the Occupy San Diego Facebook page say that more than fifty officers of the San Diego Police Department and approximately fifteen San Diego County Sheriffs raided the occupation’s encampment early this morning.  Law enforcement was in riot gear. The protesters at the Civic Center Plaza were not ordered off the grass before the raid happened.  Tables, signs, sleeping …

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Oh Shi*

It’s no secret that life in the Navy is vastly different from the Army or Marines, and the same can be said for the Coast Guard and Air Force. But one thing that most of us that served can unanimously complain about its the lack of adequate toilet facilities. I mean come on, there are over 6,000 people on a ship and …

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Anonymous Calls for Digital Destruction of Bloomberg & NYPD

In a video just released today, the group Anonymous has called for the digital destruction of Mayor Bloomberg and the NYPD after last night’s raid of the Occupy Wall Street encampment. Check out the video below:   We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

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OWS Has Been Denied

The courts have ruled against Occupy Wall St. Occupiers are allowed to stay in the park 24 hours a day but they cannot have tents. They can, however, have sleeping bags. And at least for tonight, they can sleep there. After all the miss steps that the NYPD have taken I can’t believe the courts would rule in the city’s …

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NYPD in Contempt of Court

Even though, the protesters have been given legal permission to return to Liberty Park and the NYPD refuses to obey the restraining order. When you become a police officer you take an oath. Here is a sample: “I (NAME) do swear that I will sell and truly serve our sovereign country and state as a police officer without favor or …

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