Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Eviction Tuesday

It has been very aptly said: “You cannot evict an idea.” What I’ve observed through the night and through today in Manhattan reaffirms my belief that the symbolism of Occupy Wall St. is far more important then the physicality of it. We live in a very non physical time. Credit card transactions, arbitrage, virtual real estate, non-places (that look the …

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NYPD Violates a Judiciary Order

As I’m writing this the NYPD has refused to obey a judiciary ruling to let protesters back into the park. The NYPD is lined up outside holding batons and in riot gear. There are suspicions that plain clothes officers infiltrated the crowds last night to provoke violence. Occupy Toronto has also received an eviction order. Portland and Oakland have faced …

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OWS is Back!

Several news sources are reporting an undisclosed New York judge has ruled that Mayor Bloomberg had no legal right to evict the protesters. There is a restraining order against the NYPD until a trial can be held. Mr. Bloomberg’s statement earlier this morning alluded to the park as being crime-ridden and a threat to public health. Everyone sees through your …

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NYPD Equipped With Sound Cannons

4:30AM It is being reported on UStream channel  “The Other 99” that NYPD came equipped with Sound Cannons to Liberty Park. The OWS Facebook page confirms that the police are employing this weapon. This weapon was deployed against protesters in the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. The Israeli government is reported to have sent these weapons to the Egyptian government providing …

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Liberty Park Being Raided By NYPD

It seems Mayor Bloomberg has decided to clear out the Occupy Wall St. protesters. Oakland cleared out protesters on Monday. If you live in New York now this is the time to join in solidarity. Anyone who is online spread the word. NYPD is calling for the NY national guard on the scanner. Please call and respectfully demand 1st Amendment …

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Predatory Education

When the GI bill changed in July of 2008 to the post 9/11 it created an exponential increase in the amount of money available to veterans. I went to school on a yellow ribbon scholarship on the post 9/11 GI bill and, quite frankly, I felt somewhat guilty about the amount of money that the government was spending on me. …

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Predatory Banking Targets Veterans

It is a well known fact that the recruiting practices of the military target the lowest economic dregs of our society. Once in the military they are also targeted by banking institutions. Outside of every stateside base there is a check cashing place that will charge the equivalent in interest that one could get from a speak easy loan shark. …

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Motivation Monday I

If this video does not motivate you, I do not think there is anything that will. In Charlie Chaplin’s film The Great Dictator (1940), Chaplin plays a poor Jewish barber that is mistaken for Adolf Hitler. The film ends with what many critics regard as one of the greatest speeches of all time. I completely agree. Article includes video and full text of speech.

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Class is the New Race

  The first question the media asked when the Occupy Wall St. Movement started budding at the end of September was the racial demographic of the protesters. As if the litmus test for the legitimacy of an issue is the amount of minorities involved. This has become a real problem especially with so called liberal circles because we have been …

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The Unknown Soldier

On this day meant to commemorate veterans young and old, it is imperative  that we do not let the recent improper disposal of veterans’ ashes in Virginia sully the unknown soldier’s symbolism. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was first erected in France as a monument to the unnamed fallen. Today one exists in almost every country in the world. With the onset of forensic science, the …

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Out With the Garbage. Really?

Sometimes I know we as soldiers, sailors, and veterans we’ve felt like we were treated like trash, but the sentiment was never meant literally. Until now. The Washington Post revealed that unidentified body parts of fallen soldiers have long been cremated and disposed of in a Virginia landfill. Apparently the practice was squashed in 2008 but the fact that it …

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San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Preparing For War?

The county of San Diego released a 10-page document today that makes the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department look like they are preparing for an all-out war against the peaceful protesters at Occupy San Diego. The Request for Quotation (RFQ No. 5339) dated November 8, 2011 starts: The county of San Diego, Sheriff’s Department, has a requirement for defense technology’s …

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Anonymous Sends Strong Message to Police

Sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying to change the world. Released to Occupations in San Diego, Chicago, and Oakland, this latest video by the infamous Internet group Anonymous sends a strong message to police officers around the United States. The video calls for the police to honor their oath and protect the people they swore to serve.  It states …

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Being Heard Without Saying a Word

From the moment I woke up yesterday I closely watched the weather in anticipation of glorious thunderstorms to wash over Central Oklahoma. Unfortunately, the storm I had been tracking was slow moving into Oklahoma City but was active none the less. The news reported of a tornado touching down in the southwestern part of the state in the late afternoon. …

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Veterans Affairs Closes Its Doors

Have you ever heard of a governmental organization closing its doors? Not answering its phones? That is exactly  what I observed this summer with the Philadelphia VA. In the spring I had received a letter from the VA informing of their intentions of recruiting me.   Unfortunately, this all amounted to nothing and when I called the VA (over and over again) the number …

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